Bryan Gibel, Director / Producer | A.K. Sandhu, Producer, Sign My Name to Freedom **Saul Zaentz Award**
Shareef Nasir, Director | Dana Nachman, Producer, Case 993 **Al Bendich Award**
Andres Alegria, Director / Producer | Abel Sanchez, Director / Producer, Song for Cesar *
Denise Zmekhol, Director / Producer | Amir Soltani, Co-Producer, Skin of Glass
Ellen Spiro, Come And Take It
Jed Riffe, Producer | Frances Causey, Director, The Long Shadow
Johnny Symons, Director / Producer | Kenyon Symons-Rogers, Director | Daniel Chein, Co-Producer, Hoodie
Lacy Jane Roberts, Co-Director | Luisa Conlon, Hanna Miller, Co-Directors, We Became Fragments
Lee Swenson, Producer | Judith Ehrlich, Director | Christopher Jones, Producer, The Boys Who Said No
Mark DeSaulnier, Producer | Spencer Wilkinson, Director, One Voice
Mark Oltmanns, Director | Jason Motlagh, Co-Director, The Unwanted
Mathew Ramirez Warren, Director / Producer, Weed Dreams
Meg Smaker Director / Producer | Bryan Storkel, Producer | Abigail Disney, Executive Producer, Jihab Rehab
Nina Menendez, Producer | Maureen Gosling, Director | Jed Riffe, Producer, Barbara Dane: On My Way
Rick Tejada-Flores, Producer | Will Parrinello, Director, Troubled Water *
Robin Fryday, Director / Producer, We Are Kids
Sean Buckelew, Director | Jeanette Bonds, Producer, Drone
Stephen Most, Producer | Kevin White, Director, Wilder than Wild
Yoav Potash, Director / Producer | Brad Marshland, Producer, Diary from the Ashes

* Thank you to the City of Emeryville for supporting these Emeryville filmmakers.

2018 Student Grant Winners
Anaiis K. Cisco, Gryl
Daniel Chein, Sonsplitter
Juhee So | Russell Kiel, Producer, Maelstorm
Lovage Sharrock, XRAYSPEX
Nani Walker | Grace Oyenubi, Director / Producer, Forced
Natalya Sharapova, Your Number’s Up
Serginho Roosblad, The Maze


Sara Lafleur-Vetter, The Sacred and the Snake **Saul Zaentz Award**
Lise Pearlman, American Justice on Trial: People v. Newton **Al Bendich Award**
Bill Kinder, Wartime Projections
Delnaz Abadi, The Secret Fatwa
Jason Cohn, Mad as Hell!
Jennifer Steinman, The Musical Legacy of Sheila E.
Jim LeBrecht, Crip Camp
Kim Anno, Quba
Marsha Mather-Thrift, Capture a Legacy
Michelantony Dunston, Life and the Lady
Peter Li-Pan Lee, Don’t Be A Hero
Pratibha Parmar, My Name is Andrea
Pam Uzzell, Welcome to the Neighborhood
Sam Ellison, Voyagers
Yvan Iturriaga, The North Pole

2017 Student Grant Winners
Anaiis K. Cisco, Breathless
Bradford Bailey, Hale
Deborah Craig, It’s Been a Great Ride
Isara Krieger, Beacon
Jason Hanasik, How To Make A Pearl
Maya Craig, Water Town
Molly Stuart, Objector


Sheri Shuster, Still I Rise **Saul Zaentz Award**
Dawn Valadez, The Pushouts  **Al Bendich Award**
Connie Field, The Whistleblower of My Lai
David Brown, Setting the Word on Fire
Mike Seely, Exiled: America’s Deported Veterans
Marlene Morris, A New Color
Amir Soltani, Dogtown Redemption
Kevin Wong, Home Is A Hotel
Jane Greenberg, The Surrender of Waymond Hall – in partnership with The East Bay Community Foundation
Erika Cohn, Belly of the Beast – in partnership with the LaFetra Family Foundation

2016 Student Grant Winners
Melina Tupa, The Search
Alsanosi Adam, Losing Oakland
Daniel Chein, Sonsplitter
Kayo Gorden, Possessed
Simona Schneider, Moll
Romin Lee Johnson, Paparon
Yuhe Yao, I Take A Long Nap on the White River


Harrod Blank / Gina Leibrecht, Les Blank: A Quiet Revelation  **Saul Zaentz Award**
Jason Zeldes / Michael Klein, Romeo is Bleeding
Jun Stinson, Futbolistas 4 Life
Marcy Cravat, Angel Azul
Morgan Schmidt-Feng, On Her Own
Rebekah Fergusson, Navigating The Divide
Rick Goldsmith, Mind / Game: The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw
Shaleece Haas, Real Boy
Tal Skloot, 4 Wheel Bob
Vivian Kleiman, No Straight Lines

2015 Student Grant Winners
Emily Gibson, The Buddhist Bin Laden
John Hyatt, The Surge
Mark Kurlyandchik, The Homeless Beat
Ryan Lee, Home
Sara Lafleur-Vetter / Niema Jordan, Oasis
Sally Schilling / Andra Cernavskis, Melting Glaciers, Deadly Lakes


Eugene Corr, Ghost Town To Havana   **Saul Zaentz Award**
Amir Soltani, Dogtown Redemption: In Trash We Trust
Gregory Scharpen, Buchla
Karina Epperlein, Finding The Gold Within
Kim Anno, Water City, Berkeley
Marlene Morris, A New Color
Raymond Telles, A Photographer’s Journey
Rick Goldsmith, Mind/Game: The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw
Rick Tejada-Flores, My Bolivia–Remembering what I never knew
Robin Fryday, Riding My Way Back
Sarolta Cump, The Gold Fish Casino
Sheri Shuster, Still I Rise
Snitow-Kaufman Productions, Company Town
Judy Montell/Emmy Scharlatt, In The Image

2014 Student Grant Winners
Dorothy Atkins, The Battle Over Thompson Divide
Leah Dubuc, Zora


Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg, My Love Affair with the Brain: The Life and Science of Dr. Marian Diamond  **Saul Zaentz Award**
Samantha Grant, A Fragile Trust
Katie Galloway/Kelly Duane de la Vega, El Poeta
Ashley James and Kathryn Golden, Santos
Melissa Regan, Nuns on the Bus
Tony Nguyen, Giap’s Last Day at the Ironing Factory
Quinn Costello, Rodents of Unusual Size
Kyung Lee, Telos

2013 Student Grant Winners
Mariel Waloff , A Confused War
Adam Grossberg, Vacant Seat
Nikki Sonfield, Samba Funk
Nicolas Collins, Work Progressed
Gina Moreno and Kevin Lawrence, Ore Wa Neko Da


Jacob Kornbluth, Inequality for All **Saul Zaentz Award**
Pratibha Parmar: Alice Walker, Beauty in Truth
Maureen Gosling, BAMAKO CHIC: Threads of Power, Color & Culture
Karina Epperlein, Finding the Gold Within
Suzanne LaFetra/David Collier, F-R-E-E
Deann Borshay Liem, Geographies of Kinship: The Korean Adoption Story
Cassandra Herrman, Framed
Paula Mozen, LIFE INTERRUPTED: Telling Breast Cancer Stories
Rick Goldsmith, Mind/Game: The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw
Robert James, The Night Minister
Delnaz Abadi, The Secret Fatwa
Avon Kirkland, TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY: The Life of Booker T. Washington
Benjamin Schuder, The Village of Peace
Peter Nicks, The Waiting Room
Kelly J. Richardson, Without A Net
Tory Stanton, Games People Play
Sean Mitchell, Witness 11
L. Jeffrey Moore, A Midsummer Nightmare:  The Betrayal

2012 Student Grant Winners
Emily Bender, Half Full
Crescent Diamond, Performing Girl
Samina Hitch, Anarkali Blossoms
Rob Fatal, La Bamba 2:  Hell Is A Drag
Alia Lundy, Bless You


Lisa Fruchtman, Sweet Dreams   **Saul Zaentz Award**
Aarin Burch, Roots and Wings
Arwen Curry, Worlds of Ursula K. LeGuin
Judith Ehrlich, The Mouse That Roared
Connie Field, Martin Luther King in Palestine
Robin Fryday, The Barber of Birmingham
Yusef Haroun, Amen
Dan Krauss, The Imagination of Jeremy Blake
Toby McLeod, Losing Sacred Ground
Marilyn Mulford/Aleixo Goncalves, A Song of Unity
Tamara Perkins, Life After Life
Denise Zmekhol, Google Earth Hero: Chief Almir and the Surui Tribe of Amazon

2011 Student Grant Winners
Mary K. Flynn/Nina Goodby, Angel For Hire
Kate McLean, Pot Country
Marlene Morris, A New Color
Rob Richert, No One But Lydia


Judith Montell/Emmy Scharlatt, In the Image   **Saul Zaentz Award**
Arielle Elizabeth (Krnich), Truth Takes Time
Eugene Corr, Ghost Town to Havana
Jed Riffe, GERM WARS
Joel Pincosy, Goatherder
Justine Shapiro, Our Summer in Tehran
Maureen Gosling/Chris Simon, This Ain’t No Mouse Music
Katie Gallaway/Kelly Duane de la Vega, Better this World
Rachel Antell, No Word for Autism
Deborah Kaufman/Alan Snitow, Between Two Worlds
Leah Mahan, Come Hell or High Water: The Battle for Turkey Creek
Kelly J. Richardson, Without a Net


Yun Suh, City of Borders
Yoram Savion, T.U.R.F.
Scott Crocker, Ghost Bird
Pam Uzzell, Welcome to the Neighborhood
Marilyn Mulford, Archeology of Memory: Villa Grimaldi
Denise Zmekhol, Children of the Amazon
Helen De Michiel, Lunch Love Community
Gail Dolgin/Robin Fryday, The Barber of Birmingham
Crescent Diamond, The Heretics
Nancy Kates, Regarding Susan Sontag
Rick Tejada-Flores, My Bolivia–Remembering what I never knew
Karina Epperlein/John Knoop, Buenos Aires 1997: Awakening from Sorrow